
This is Indexed is a cute little blog I just found. Thought I'd share it. Good for a quick laugh on a cold day.


Sidwell Friends

I'm a firm believer in public schools. Heck, I'm 99% of the way towards teaching in one (someday...let's all cross our fingers that it's someday soon!). I intend to send my kids to public school, and I think we should all pay a few extra bucks in taxes if that's what it takes to make our public schools the super-awesome learning palaces that they should be (and that teachers get paid in accordance with the work they do...but that's a whole other story).

That said, I also believe that the first children should not be in a public school. First, it's probably safer for them to be in a private school, and second, I'm not sure an already overburdened public school needs or wants the extra toll having the highest profile students in the country would place on it.

I'm thrilled, too, that the Obamas have chosen Sidwell Friends for their daughters. I'm a gigantic fan of progressive Quakerism, and I've often thought that if I were to send my kids to a private school (and there are a lot of reason why I am not), I would choose a Quaker school for them. They push compassion, caring, service and inclusion, and who can argue with that?


Vienna Vegetable Orchestra

I found this completely inspiring. Not in an "I want to go out and make a carrot-flute" way, but in an "I should do more stuff that's fun" way.


Super Cool Map--CJ Cregg's Mind Would Be Blown

So, while I try to determine whether to start a new education blog or just integrate all of my old education posts (all 11 of them!) into this blog, let me just say that Show.World is awesome.


Yes We Can!

We did it! I am beside myself with good feelings. It's about time Democrats and progressives to patriotism back!

Obama blows me away...what a fantastic victory!

I brought coffee and blueberry loaf, so I'm claiming a little piece of this for myself.

x-posted to every little thing

Oh--and I VOTED!

Can't wait for January
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